标签 vmware 下的文章


Sometimes you need to find a virtual machine by MAC address. This can be very time consuming if you have to do this by hand using the VMware vSphere Client. PowerCLI can do this task for you in only a few seconds. The script presented in this blogpost will retrieve the virtual machine that has a certain MAC address.

You can find the virtual machine with a certain MAC address by just using the PowerCLI Get-VM and Get-NetworkAdapter cmdlets and piping these together. E.g. to find the virtual machine with MAC address “00:0c:29:1d:5c:ec” you can give the following PowerCLI command:

 Get-VM | `
Get-NetworkAdapter | `
Where-Object {$_.MacAddress -eq "00:0c:29:1d:5c:ec"} | `
Format-List -Property *

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